News story

Request for Municipal Equipment Support from Al Buraimi Muni...

your profile: Al Buraimi Governorate

Al Buraimi Municipality
Al Buraimi Municipality

Al Buraimi Municipality provides a range of e-services that contribute to reducing time and effort for residents of the governorate in all its wilayats. One of the most prominent of these services provided by the municipality is “Municipal Equipment Support”, often after climatic disturbances, to help improve living conditions and mitigate the impact of the weather-induced damages in residential and agricultural areas.

To access the municipal equipment support request service, visit the website of Buraimi Governorate, then go to e-services, where the applicant is required to log in by entering the ID number and phone number, and the PIN will be sent via SMS to the phone number to enable the beneficiary to start filling out the application data.

The requests are classified into several categories, namely: Request for land compaction of external areas, filling of potholes and stagnant water, request to repair damage caused by climatic disturbances, and protecting homes from floods. These services can be applied for in the event of fluctuating weather conditions, such as: Downpours, heavy rainfall, etc. During the application process, the applicant is required to upload some documents, such as: Service location or address, and photos to show the damage. Upon completion and submission of the request, the relevant department will review it, notify and respond to the applicant regarding his request, and follow up on the work procedures until the request is closed. 

The e-services provided by Buraimi Governorate through its website contribute to improving the quality of service provided to citizens and residents, implementing government policies related to economic, social and infrastructure development in the governorate, and achieving the objectives of Oman's Vision 2040 to digitalize government services.

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