Al Batinah South Governorate
Al Batinah South Governorate
Al Batinah South Governorate
The official page of South Al Batinah Governorate on GOV.OM includes an overview of the governorate, its administrative structure, the most important services, documents, news and contact information.
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Asset Publisher
Laws and legislation
General provisions of the Municipal Councils Law.
الأحكام العامة لقانون المجالس البلدية., pdf, 402 KBFeb 23, 2025Laws and legislation
Asset Publisher
Guidelines and brochures
Health requirements for mobile cafes
الاشتراطات الصحية الخاصة بالمقاهي المتحركة., pdf, 0 KBFeb 23, 2025Guidelines and brochures
About The Governorate
About the Governorate
South Al Batinah Governorate is concerned with serving its citizens and residents within its administrative borders and works to safeguard their interests and ensure their service requests are delivered to government institutions. The Office of the Governor also manages the affairs of the governorate and fosters its development in the economic and social fields in coordination with various government entities.
Social Media Platforms
"The governorate intends in its strategy to work on three axes: communication, excellence and diversity, to become a regional center for data centers and e-commerce and an advanced logistics area through strategic capabilities in attracting foreign investments."
- H.E Eng. Masoud Al Hashimi, The Governor
Contact Information
Location Information
Our Management
Our Management
Governor of South Al Batinah
Wali of Rustaq
Wali of Barka
Wali of Al Musannah
Wali of Nakhal
Wali of Wadi Al Maawil
Wali of Al Awabi