Dhofar Governorate
Dhofar Governorate
Dhofar Governorate
The official page of Dhofar Governorate on GOV.OM includes an overview of the governorate, its administrative structure, key services, documents, news and contact information.
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About the Governorate
About the Governorate
Dhofar Governorate, located in the south of the Sultanate of Oman, is concerned with serving its citizens and residents within its administrative borders and works to safeguard their interests and ensure their service requests are delivered to government institutions. The Office of the Governor of Dhofar also manages the affairs of the governorate and fosters its development in the economic and social fields in coordination with various government entities.
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"Dhofar Governorate, with its rich natural, cultural, and historical assets, is key to Oman's development. We are committed to its growth, fulfilling the aspirations of its people, and enhancing its status as a premier destination both locally and globally."
- H.E. Sayyid Marwan Al Said, Governor of Dhofar
Contact Information
Our Management
our management
Governor of Dhofar
Wali of Muqshin
Wali of Al Mazyunah
Wali of Shalim and the Halaniyat Islands
Wali of Saddah
Wali of Rakhyut
Wali of Taqah
Wali of Thumrait
Wali of Dhalkut
Wali of Mirbat
Wali of Salalah