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Issuance or Renewal of Riyada Card Completed in One Day

your profile: Authority for SMEs Development

Issuance or Renewal of the Entrepreneurial (Riyada) Card
Issuance or Renewal of the Entrepreneurial (Riyada) Card

With the continuous efforts made by the SME Development Authority to improve e-services for Omani entrepreneurs, SME Development Authority has launched the service of issuing, renewing and canceling Entrepreneurial Cards faster than before, and within one business day by submitting the application through the website.


The Entrepreneurship (Riyada) Card is a document that enables its holder to have access to numerous accommodations in various sectors. The main goal of the program is to support to SMEs by providing them with a set of benefits through public and private entities. There are 5 categories of people who are eligible to hold this card, namely: An Omani who is fully dedicated to running his own business, an organization with a gulf partner, provided that the percentage of the Omani partner(s) is not less than 30% with at least one person being full-time employee for the enterprise. Partners must be Omani and at least one of them must be full-time employee for the enterprise to obtain the card. Establishments owned by government employees benefiting from Ministerial Decision 2/2016 on regulations regarding permitting government employees to be discharged from work to establish or manage private enterprises, issued by the Ministry of Labor. Also, technology and innovation-based startups, provided that one of the owners is an Omani national.


Entrepreneurs can submit the application for a new Entrepreneurial Card by logging in to the Authority's website, using an electronically authenticated phone number or through a computer with a card reader, then filling out the application with the required documents such as proof of social insurance for the full-time owners of the SME, excluding retired owners, and attaching proof of retirement or discharge from other work, if the person was discharged from the public sector with the submission of the Commercial Register.


In case of issuing a new card or renewal, a fee of OMR 5 for 12 months will be requested, then the system will send a text message containing a link to easily download the card. If you request that your card be canceled, proof that you no longer have access to the accommodations, incentives and benefits of the Entrepreneurship Card must be provided, pursuant to Decision No. 70/2021 regarding the Assignment of Privileges, Facilities, and Incentives relating to the Riyada Card.


The SME Development Authority is working to improve the quality of the e-services it provides to beneficiaries, with the aim of enhancing the economic role of SMEs in the GDP, and achieving the goals of digital transformation that the Sultanate of Oman's government is working on in line with Oman Vision 2040.


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