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Submit your Resignation through the Ministry of Labor's Webs...

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As part of the Sultanate of Oman's plans to develop the government services system and work on the goals of Oman Vision 2040 in the path of digital transformation, the Ministry of Labor is launching a number of new services on its website.

Electronic submission of resignations is one of the new services on the Ministry of Labor portal, through this service, the employee can submit his resignation, provided that the date of resignation is a maximum of 30 days from the date of submission, and the resignation will be approved on the day of the submission date recorded in the request directly, and the employee's status will change to (job seeker) and the reason shown will be (resignation).

To submit a resignation request, the employee must log in to the Ministry of Labor website through the civil ID card or phone number that is supported by the e-authentication system, then start a new resignation request by clicking on the “Add New Resignation Request” button, and fill in the required data, namely: the applicant's data, the establishment's data, and contract data.

The system will display the items that need to be read and confirmed before saving the request. If the resignation date is the same as the submission date, the system will automatically convert the resignation request into an “approved request” and notify both the employee and the employer of the approval of the resignation. However, if the resignation date is older than the submission date, the system will save the request as a “resignation request”, notify the employee and the employer, and the resignation request will be considered an approved request on the day of the resignation date recorded in the request. 

The employee can cancel the request if the resignation request has not yet been approved, by choosing “Cancel Resignation Request”, so that the cancellation request will be approved only with the employer's approval, and the system will notify the employer when the cancellation request is registered to take the necessary action by accepting or rejecting. The details of the request can be viewed from the list when choosing ‘Show Details’ from the options. Also, the employment contract termination form can be printed for approved requests only.

It is evident that the continuous improvement of the Ministry of Labor's services through its digitization contributes to optimizing performance and reducing efforts on hundreds of thousands of workers in the Sultanate of Oman, as well as reducing pressure on the Ministry's employees who receive customers and all those using the Ministry's various services.

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