
Ash Sharqiyah North Governorate


Ash Sharqiyah North Governorate

The official page of North Al Sharqiyah Governorate on GOV.OM includes an overview of the governorate, its administrative structure, key services, documents, news and contact information.

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About The Governorate

About The Governorate

North Al Sharqiyah Governorate in the Sultanate of Oman is concerned with serving its citizens and residents within its administrative borders. It works to safeguard their interests and ensure their service requests are delivered  to government institutions. The Office of the Governor also manages the development of government affairs in the economic and social fields in coordination with various government entities .

Social Media Platforms

"The pillars of the development plan in North Al Sharqiyah Governorate focus on increasing investment opportunities , by attracting several qualitative investment projects across various sectors, raising the average annual revenues of the governorate and improving the percentage of beneficiaries' s...

- His Excellency Mahmoud bin Yahya bin Suleiman Al Dhahli, Gov...

Contact Information

Location Information

Location Information

Our Management

Our Management

His Excellency Mahmoud bin Yahya bin Sulaiman Al Dhahili

Governor of North Al Sharqiyah

His Excellency Hamad bin Khalifa bin Salim Al Abri

Wali of Ibra

His Excellency Sheikh Saud bin Mohammed bin Saud Al Hinai

Wali of Al Mudhaibi

His Excellency Majid bin Saif bin Ali Al Busaidi

Wali of Bidiya

His Excellency Sheikh Mahmoud bin Rashid bin Hilal Al Saadi

Wali of Al Qabil

His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed bin Ahmed bin Hamouda Al Junaibi

Wali of Wadi Bani Khalid

His Excellency Mohammed bin Salem bin Saeed Al Maashani

Wali of Dima and Al Taiyeen

His Excellency Khalid bin Sayyid Hazgiz Zabanout

Wali of Sinaw

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