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This service enables you to renew the permit for excavation under the road.
This service enables you to renew the permit for roadside excavation.
This service enables you to renew the license to transport pilgrims and Umrah performers.
This service enables you to renew the permit for simultaneous excavation and cutting on or beside the road.
This service enables you to renew the license of renting passenger land transport with a driver.
This service enables private radio and television establishments to renew the license for broadcasting operations for their employees, whether traditional or electronic.
This service enables you to renew the license for the activity of renting land transport vehicles for goods without a driver.
This service enables the renewal of the license for the activity of renting land transport vehicles for goods with a driver.
.This service enables you to renew the license for the activity of renting land transport vehicles for passengers without a driver
تمكّن هذه الخدمة من تجديد ترخيص مزاولة مهنة التمريض طالما كان الموظف على رأس العمل ولم يصدر بحقه قرار إلغاء الترخيص، ويُصدر الترخيص مرة واحدة كل ثلاث سنوات.