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This service enables government entities subject to the Civil Service Law and its executive regulations to submit a request for approval to modify the annual training plan.
This service enables companies dealing in telecommunications devices, which have a permit to store radio devices, to get the authority's permission to move radio devices from their store to another...
This service allows the responsible authority to grant a visa to foreigners who wish to enter the Sultanate multiple times. The visa permits the holder to enter and stay in the country for the...
This service enables you to register and document a power of attorney for multiple properties.
This service enables you to get a license to trade in natural flowers and plants in shops and open commercial lands only.
This service helps assessing the damages caused by natural phenomena.
This service enables government and private entities to provide highly accurate network time, allowing the entity to know the correct time for signatures and completed transactions.
This service provides the necessary technical support for network users, such as the internet, network connections for devices and printers, internal networks, network distributors, and wireless...
Registering the company’s data after extracting the commercial registry papers from the Ministry of Commerce and obtaining the membership of the company from the Chamber
This service enables you to obtain a no-objection letter for handling narcotics and psychotropic substances.