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This service enables individuals and private training institutions to cancel their private training license.
This service enables you to transfer from a higher education institution to another (this applies to private higher education institutions only).
The service allows you to change educational institution if you were a student at higher educational institutions inside and outside the Sultanate of Oman for the undergraduate and postgraduate...
This service enables students studying abroad to change the country, provided that the application includes and acceptance letter from the desired institution and country in the same specialization...
This service enables the student to change the study system to one of the following systems (full-time/part-time/distance learning/affiliation).
This service allows the owner to change the name of their private school
This service allows school owners to request to change the tuition fees of a private school.
This service allows you to participate in conferences if you were a Post Graduate Student or in an international scholarship.
This service enables you to construct protective walls for agricultural lands to safeguard them from river floods and torrents.
This service allows you to create and manage the content of online training courses and include them in the (Tebyan) national e-learning platform for health education to make them available to...