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This service enables you to submit a temporary or substantive objection to judgment enforcement under Article (363) of the Civil and Commercial Procedures Law.
This service enables you to file a temporary or substantive objection to the enforcement of a judgment in accordance with Article (363) of the Civil and Commercial Procedures Law.
This service enables the convicted person to raise an objection regarding the enforcement of a criminal judgment to the court that issued the judgment, and it is submitted by the Public Prosecution...
This service enables employers to submit a request to reinstate an employee to their job after their work permit was mistakenly canceled, provided that the employee is within the Sultanate of Oman...
This service enables companies to cancel the practice licenses of marine transport equipment rental activity.
.This service allows multinational companies and the relevant financial institutions to register in the automatic exchange of tax information system in accordance with the standards set by the...
This service enables you to increase the subscription fees for beneficiaries of nursery services, provided that justifications for the increase are submitted along with the required evidence in...
This service allows the transfer of a foreign worker's employment in the Sultanate of Oman from one sponsor to another.
This service enables you to change the use of a plot of land from commercial or residential commercial to tourist use, based on the approval of the Ministry of Tourism after the completion of the...
.This service enables you to change the vehicle registration type from one category to another by submitting a request in person or through a legitimate representative