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This service enables you to get a permit or a no-objection certificate for drilling and approve a path in the digital system for drilling permits (outside the boundaries of land plots and within...
This service enables you to get permit to import a naval unit or engines of a naval unit from outside the Sultanate of Oman.
This service enables you to get a permit to install billboards or project boards with the purpose of regulating its content and limiting arbitrariness.
This service enables you to get a permit from the municipality to carry out the work of installing interlocking tiles.
This service enables you to get a permit to level a land and smooth it to prepare it for building.
This service enables you to get a permit to plant outside the boundaries of your land in the planned areas only.
This service enables you to get the municipality's approval to start construction works at the site.
This service enables private sector establishments to submit requests for permits to work during midday hours in June, July, and August.
This service enables you to get a card issued exclusively to Omani brokers working in real estate brokerage firms, allowing them to practice brokerage. This card is part of the procedures for...
This service enables you to get a document of recognition of foreign certificates of seafarers working on non-navigating ships.