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This service enables private veterinary clinics to get a camel numbering license.
This service allows students coming from outside the Sultanate or students who have obtained foreign certificates within the Sultanate to be accepted into the Sultanate’s schools.
This service enables the real estate broker who practices the real estate brokerage profession in specialized companies to renew a previously issued real estate broker card.
This service enables you to renew the registration of real estate brokerage companies in the list of approved companies, leading to the renewal of the real estate brokerage practice registration card.
This service enables you to renew the operating card for taxi vehicles.
This service enables you to renew the license to practice amphibious aviation activity.
You can renew the approval of a legal advisor, allowing for the legal consultations to continue officially in accordance with the required standards.
This service allows you to renew the approval of an internal auditor to ensure they meet the required professional standards.
The service enables you to renew the certificate of practicing the installation works of equipment, devices and materials for civil protection.
This service enables seafarers to renew the certificate of proficiency, authorizing them to work in the specified role and confirming the completion of the required training.