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This service enables you to get a replacement for lost operating cards for all land transport vehicles (passengers/goods).
This service enables you to get an approval on an animal facility to export it abroad or domestically.
This service enables the consultant to get approval for roads designs.
The service enables the beneficiary to request diagnostic tests for animal diseases for an animal shipment.
This service enables you to access statistics that demonstrate the performance of the insurance sector according to various classifications over the years through this service.
This service enables you to study approvals for the establishment of housing plans and projects intersecting with existing water facilities such as dams, aflaj channels, and wells.
This service enables you to request getting the project data from the consultant.
This service enables companies with membership in Tatwir platform to reserve government land plots offered by the ministry with specific plans, uses, specifications, and fixed usufruct fees, and...
This service enables you to submit a request to get housing plans.
This service enables interested parties and specialists from various governmental and private sectors, as well as educational institutions, to access water resources monitoring data.