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This service enables you to request specialized consultations in the field of IT governance and compliance.
This service enables you to request specialized consultations in artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced technologies.
This service enables you to request the appropriate technical specifications for drilling wells.
This service enables you to request specialized technical workshops focused on governance and compliance.
This service enables you to request project-related data to confirm official tasks.
This service enables you to request security alerts and warnings.
This service enables the plaintiff to refund three-quarters of the fee in case the plaintiff abandons the lawsuit or settles with the opponent in the first session, before the pleading, in...
.This service enables you to add a partner to the ship or marine unit
This service enables companies contracted with the ministry's ports to request the addition of a new activity to the original project.
You can add pledged funds to insurance companies after fulfilling the necessary conditions and submitting the required documents as per the guidelines of the Financial Services Authority .