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This service enables you to get an Omani passport for the first time.
This service allows libraries, publishing houses, and specialized educational institutions to get approval for organizing local book fairs.
This service allows beneficiaries to apply for obtaining a pesticide export permit .
This service enables companies wishing to import agricultural pesticides or veterinary or public health insecticide to fill out a request form along with the required documents via Bayan customs...
This service allows the business sector to obtain a pet care services license.
This service enables foreign tourists holding a tourist visa issued by the State of Qatar to enter the Sultanate of Oman without fees, provided that they do not enter another country with this...
This service enables beneficiaries to get a Quality Control Certificate for onshore and floating fish processing plants.
This service enables you to file a statement of appeal to the court Registry by the Public Prosecution, the convicted person, or his legal representative in final judgments issued with a penalty in...
This service enables you to reduce the capacity/line speed according to the needs of the government agency.
Those wishing to participate in a conference or a seminar prepared by the Authority can apply through this service.