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This service enables the insured and eligible categories like: widows, the elderly, persons with disabilities (blind and deaf) and hospital patients to request a field visit to their location,...
This service enables you to file a cassation appeal before the Rentals Circuit of the Supreme Court within (40) days from the day following the issuance of the appeal judgment, by submitting the...
This service allows for the review of all claims related to various civil transactions, such as those based on real rights, personal rights and other civil claims.
This service allows you to file a complaint letter with the Chairman of the Lawyer's Admission Committee - the Undersecretary of the Ministry.
This service allows you to file a complaint letter to the Chairman of the Lawyer's Admission Committee - the Undersecretary of the Ministry.
This service enables a judgment recipient to request the enforcement of a judgment, settlement agreement minutes, judicial order, writ of performance, petition order, foreign judgment, or other...
This service enables you to submit a request for the enforcement of a judicial judgment, settlement agreement minute, judicial order, writ of performance, petition order, foreign judgment, or other...
This service enables you to get traffic permits for road works (excavations, diversions, road works).
This service enables tour operators to organize adventure trips that meet the security and safety standards for each type of adventure.
This service enables you to get a permit to advertise fertilizers or soil improvers.