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This service enables you to file a temporary or substantive objection to the enforcement of a judgment in accordance with Article (363) of the Civil and Commercial Procedures Law.
This service enables you to submit a temporary or substantive objection to a request for the enforcement of a judgment request under Article (363) of the Civil and Commercial Procedures Law.
This service enables you to submit a temporary or substantive objection to the enforcement of a judgment request in accordance with Article (363) of the Civil and Commercial Procedures Law.
This service enables you to submit a temporary or substantive objection to a judgment execution request in accordance with Article (363) of the Civil and Commercial Procedures Law.
This service enables you to file a temporary or substantive objection to the enforcement of a judgment request in accordance with Article (363) of the Civil and Commercial Procedures Law.
This service enables the convicted person to submit an opposition report against in absentia judgments issued for misdemeanors and violations within two weeks from the date of notification, in...
This service enables you to file an urgent lawsuit before the judge of provisional matters in accordance with Article (64) of the Civil and Commercial Procedures Law.
This service enables you to file an appeal before the Rent Circuit within (30) days from the day following the issuance of the initial ruling, by submitting the appeal petition to the court's...
This service enables employees to apply for training programs in the available specializations according to the circular issued in this regard in a form of scholarship, grant, or study leave system.
You can enroll as a qualified lawyer in the Ministry's Lawyers' Register. Enrollment may be in one of the following registers: the general register, the trainee lawyers register, the register for...
This service enables the foreigner to get a statement of entry and exit movement through the legal border crossings in the Sultanate of Oman.
This service enables you to get a statement of your entry and exit through the legal border crossings in the Sultanate of Oman.
This service enables institutions to get a e-signature device that enables its beneficiaries to sign digitally.
This service enables you to establish a temporary tourist center to provide information and tourism services to citizens, residents of the Sultanate of Oman and tourists coming from different...
This service enables you to establish associations authorized by the Associations Department on the Jood Platform.
This service allows you to establish a specific type of value-added investment projects.
This service enables you to build a house on agricultural land, with the construction area determined based on the size of the agricultural land in well-irrigated areas only.
This service enables the Herbal Medicines and Health Products Registration Department to submit documents of hand sanitizer containing isopropyl ethanol to be evaluated by the ministry and approved...
This service enables you to submit evidence of absence or disappearance to the primary courts, stating the name, address and place of work of the missing person.
This service enables you to submit an application to examine a rock sample.