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This service enables you to renew licenses to practice marine and coastal water transport between countries for passengers.
This service enables you to renew the Maritime Piloting Certificate, which is issued by the Maritime Authority to the marine pilot to provide safe navigational information and guidance to the...
This service enables individuals to renew their license for the ornamental fish farming activity in freshwater (breeding).
This service enables you to get an approval for renewing permits to connect essential services (such as electricity, water, telephone), establish entrances/exits, intersections, plant trees, or...
This service enables beneficiaries to renew their permit to provide artificial insemination services.
This service enables companies to renew their license to manufacture or install pesticides.
This service allows you to replace a lost alfalfa marketer card.
This service allows you to get a previously issued building permit.
This service enables you to get a replacement for a lost taxi operating card.
This service enables you to replace a pump on an operating well with another pump of larger capacity.
This service enables you to replace a coastal fishing vessel.
This service enables you to get a replacement for a lost real estate broker card.
This service enables companies with a radio license to replace a licensed radio device with a new one as a result of the device's malfunction or loss.
This service enables private rehabilitation centers to request a license to replace a specialist with another registered with the Licensing Department at the Ministry of Labour.
This service enables you to get a replacement for lost operating cards for all land transport vehicles (passengers/goods).
This service enables you to get an approval on an animal facility to export it abroad or domestically.
This service enables the consultant to get approval for roads designs.
This service enables you to get approval for the project path.
This service enables you to get approval in veterinary health certificate to export or re-export a local animal shipment, or to get approval on veterinary health certificate that is required for...
This service enables you to submit a request for approval to appoint an employee in senior management or supporting departments in companies operating in the insurance sector.