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This service enables you to get a marriage certificate for Omanis marrying foreigners. This is a legal document issued by the relevant authorities to certify the marriage contract between an Omani...
This service ensures that beneficiaries have a secure and fast infrastructure for local transactions via ATMs using the direct debit card and the prepaid card.
This service allows connecting banking institutions to OmanNet network to provide a secure and fast infrastructure for exchanging debit and prepaid cards transactions via points of sale.
This service enables obtaining a visa from the competent authority for citizens of the countries it specifies upon their request for a period of one year.
You can open a new law firm and issue a practice license for the firm.
This service enables the opening of a new branch for a civil law firm and the issuance of a practice license for the branch, provided that the lawyer's registration and all branches are under the...
You can open a new branch of a law firm and issue a practice license for the branch, provided that the registration of the firm's lawyer and its branches is under the name of the main firm, and the...
This service enables you to establish nurseries of all three types: private for Omanis and GCC citizens, international, and for expatriate communities.
The service enables the owner of a private rehabilitation center to get approval to open another branch of the private rehabilitation center after opening the first branch.
This service allows you to open, upgrade, or terminate the government MPLS networking service.
This service enables you to get a license to open key copying shops.
Through this service, You can add a customs clearance branch for companies.
This service enables you to get a license to cultivate ornamental plants and seedlings (nurseries).
This service enables you to request the support of a specialist in the rehabilitation of individuals with disabilities from the relevant government authorities to conduct a program or training...
This service enables you to request permanent ownership of the ministry's wells (monitoring and exploratory wells).
This service enables you to own a real estate in one of the tourist complexes in the Sultanate of Oman.
This service enables you to get to know the steps to follow to participate in events, workshops and conferences.
This service enables tourism and hotel companies to participate in mobile tourism workshops organized outside the Sultanate of Oman in coordination with foreign tourism offices.
This service enables tourism and hotel institutions to participate in international tourism fairs.
This service enables families from specific groups, such as widows, divorcees, low-income families, and persons with disabilities, to apply for participation in marketing exhibitions.