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This service allows you to Join Oman Medical Journal reviewers' list if you were a doctor, health staff, or researcher in the medical fields.
You can use this service to issue a vocational diploma program license, which is an educational and training path based on competency, in a duration of no less than two years.
This service enables you to evaluate an Omani qualification based on the Listing Criteria and OQF Level Descriptors, allowing you to determine the OQF Level and Credit Value of the entire...
This service enables you to evaluate training programs locally to ensure that they meet all local and international accreditation requirements .
This service enables you to register cases of children at risk of violence and abuse, provide care and protection, and refer the cases to other authorities if needed.
as a non-Arabic-speaker you can still register on Oman governmental schools
.This service enables higher education institutions to reschedule external quality assurance activity or to notify OAAAQA with major changes, by submitting major change notification form
this service allows obtaining a new basic school certificate in arabic for the year (95/96) or earlier
This service enables you to participate in the London International Youth Science Forum, where Omani students have the opportunity to join various global scientific events.
This service enables young scientists to participate in the Lindau meetings for Nobel Prize winners, which is an annual meeting held in Lindau Island in Germany, and it brings together 30 to 40...
This service enables entertainment centers and cinemas to to pay a monthly fee of 10% by the 25th of each month.
This service enables scholarship students who wish to postpone a semester or academic year, provided that their submitted application includes clear reasons for the postponement and requierd...
This service allows the owner of a private school to submit a request to postpone the opening of the private school’s activity after obtaining initial approval of establish a private school License.
This service enables you to create a customs declaration before the arrival of the merchandise.
.This service enables you to apply for preliminary approval to license a commercial fishing vessel
This service enables you to request studies for tourism projects, guesthouses, resorts, and event halls in terms of traffic.
This service enables you to prepare and implement national, regional, and international exercises to assess readiness and response to emergencies and information risks.
This service enables you to request a study of billboards locations from a traffic perspective to ensure they do not affect traffic flow and then get approval.
This service enables employees to prepare the annual plans for the actual needs of computer hardware, systems, and software in the Ministry's headquarters, directorates, and affiliated health...
This service enables employees to prepare preventive maintenance plans for computer hardware and accessories, and supervise their implementation.