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This service enables any individual who is legally recognized as an heir to issue an authenticated document authorizing another person to act on their behalf in managing, claiming, or handling...
This service enables the detection of the Hepatitis B virus in the blood and assists in diagnosing Hepatitis B infection, determining whether the infection is recent or chronic.
.A service that allows content creators to apply for hosting their content on e-platforms
This service enables you to request preparing technical studies and engineering designs for implementing modern irrigation systems and field management in farms irrigated with well water, as well...
.This service enables you to import unregistered medicine through a pharmaceutical warehouse for both the private and public sectors.
This service enables you to import unregistered medical devices.
This service enables you to report accidents that occur in private health institutions.
This service enables you to get a license to increase the depth of a well, regardless of its type, during drilling a new well, a replacement well, or deepening an existing well before completing...
.This service allows you to increase the depth of a well using either manual or mechanical drilling in cases where manual deepening proves ineffective. Well deepening is classified into three...
This service enables radiology workers in all health institutions affiliated with the Ministry of Health and other government entities to measure and monitor individual radiation doses.
This service enables associations to receive in-kind donations.
This service enables teams to receive in-kind donations.
This service enables you to submit a request for an inspection of a private ambulance car to complete its license procedures.
This service enables a company or institution to obtain a license that allows it to practice the activity of selling seeds.
This service enables individuals working in medical, nursing, pharmaceutical, or related health professions to get a license to practice the profession according to the law.
This service enables pharmacists, pharmacist assistants, and medical representatives to get a license to practice the profession passing the professional practice test.
This service enables private radio and television entities to apply for a license to operate in radio or television broadcasting, or to work as a media correspondent or journalist for an...
This service enables private health establishments to get a license to retain and dispense medications according to the approved list of medications permitted to be kept in private health...
This service enables you to get licenses for the various nursing professions in private health institutions.
This service enables you to get a livestock possession card.
This service enables you to get a license to fish lobsters.
This service enables you to undergo a medical fitness examination as part of the entry visa process for sailors and technical teams who need to travel for work in the country.
This service enables residents of the Sultanate of Oman to get a medical fitness examination to renew their residence card before its expiry date.
This service enables you to get a security permit for Cinemas (film screening)
This service enables the contractor, an authorized representative, or the authorized signatory signatory to request the extension of sanitary sewer services to households after completing the...
This service enables you to get a permit for a new radio equipment and allocate the appropriate frequencies for them.
This service enables you to get a no-objection certificate from the ministry to establish or implement projects that may impact archaeological sites and historical locations on land or at sea, in...
This service enables low-income families to receive one-time emergency financial assistance, limited to no more than twice per year.
This service allows you to get a permit to restore and improve damaged falaj channels or replace them with new ones.
This service enables you to get a permit for raising and redefining the Fardha (access shafts), as well as developing and improving them to facilitate access to the falaj channel or for protection.
This service enables you to get a permit to provide services in the telecommunications field.
This service enables employees to request computer and accessory repairs from the ministry. In exceptional cases, the ministry may contact suppliers to replace devices that cannot be repaired.
This service enables you to request the installation of a water desalination unit on an existing well.
This service enables professional verification by documenting the professional and ethical profile of all healthcare practitioners in the Sultanate of Oman to other international councils and bodies.
This service enables minors and those under guardianship to submit a request for the court to inventory their assets in the Inheritance Departments of the Primary Courts .
This service enables investors and companies to establish tourism projects on government lands in accordance with the usufruct system.
This service enables you to get an IPO power of attorney, which is a document granted to an individual or entity to undertake certain legal procedures related to IPOs or financial transactions...
This service enables you to get a temporary registration certificate for a vessel or naval unit, allowing it to undergo inspection and complete all necessary procedures for the issuance of a...
This service enables you to invest in a landmark for the purpose of developing it, rehabilitating it, and hosting activities at it.
This service enables you to get licenses for medical assistants.