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This service enables individuals to renew their license for the ornamental fish farming activity in freshwater (breeding).
This service enables you to get an approval for renewing permits to connect essential services (such as electricity, water, telephone), establish entrances/exits, intersections, plant trees, or...
This service enables beneficiaries to renew their permit to provide artificial insemination services.
This service enables companies to renew their license to manufacture or install pesticides.
This service enables you to renew the activity of transporting and selling drinking water.
This service enables you to renew the license every two years. The renewal request is submitted 30 days before the license expiration date.
.This service enables you to renew the entry permit for a fish seller or fish buyer’s means of transport at the Central Wholesale Fish Market (Al-Fulaij, Barka).
This service enables you to renew the license of private veterinary clinics to number animals.
This service enables you to renew the retail sales activity in specialized fish and seafood stores and their products through the Invest Easy portal.
This service enables you to replace a pump on an operating well with another pump of larger capacity.
This service enables companies with a radio license to replace a licensed radio device with a new one as a result of the device's malfunction or loss.
This service enables you to get a replacement for a lost taxi operating card.
This service enables private rehabilitation centers to request a license to replace a specialist with another registered with the Licensing Department at the Ministry of Labour.
This service enables you to get a replacement for lost operating cards for all land transport vehicles (passengers/goods).
This service enables you to get an approval on an animal facility to export it abroad or domestically.
This service enables the consultant to get approval for roads designs.
The service enables the beneficiary to request diagnostic tests for animal diseases for an animal shipment.
This service enables you to access statistics that demonstrate the performance of the insurance sector according to various classifications over the years through this service.
This service enables you to study approvals for the establishment of housing plans and projects intersecting with existing water facilities such as dams, aflaj channels, and wells.
This service enables you to request getting the project data from the consultant.
This service enables companies with membership in Tatwir platform to reserve government land plots offered by the ministry with specific plans, uses, specifications, and fixed usufruct fees, and...
This service enables you to submit a request to get housing plans.
This service enables interested parties and specialists from various governmental and private sectors, as well as educational institutions, to access water resources monitoring data.
This service enables you to request the registration of a grant contract and transfer the title deed from the donor to the donees.
This service enables you to renew your minor building license, which is limited to secondary additions to an existing building, renovations, maintenance, installing temporary buildings and other...
This service enables you to request a monetary or in-kind division of the deceased’s estate in the estate file in the estate departments of the primary courts.
This service enables government entities to request national flags for official delegations visiting for meetings.
This service allows the owner of a private school to request land with a usufruct right
This service enables an individual who has reached the age of majority or has been deemed of sound mind, either personally or through their representative, to submit a request to the judge, asking...
This service enables licensed postal services companies to get the approval of the authority to open new branches for the company.
This service allows you to obtain permission to file a lawsuit against a fellow lawyer.
This service enables beneficiaries to request to prove takharuj (type of settlement), waiver or grant for a minor through the inheritance departments in primary courts.
This service enables you to request a preliminary study and review of project's designs, maps and drawings and the buddings' infrastructure to ensure their compliance with the applicable...
.This service enables companies contracted with ministry's affiliated ports to request a reconsideration of the project's rental value
You can request a comprehensive audit of insurance companies and insurance brokers from financial and administrative aspects to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
This service enables you to request support for integral aquaculture projects.
This service enables you to get approval in veterinary health certificate to export or re-export a local animal shipment, or to get approval on veterinary health certificate that is required for...
This service enables you to get approval for the project path.
This service enables you to submit a request for approval to appoint an employee in senior management or supporting departments in companies operating in the insurance sector.
This service enables you to get the approval for the request of constructing roundabouts or bridges.