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This service enables you to get licenses for companies to rent diving equipment and training in diving.
This service enables you to get a license to sell and transport drinking water.
This service enables you to get a license for the activity of transporting and selling non-potable water.
This service enables you to get a license to transport school, college and university students.
This service enables you to get approval to waive a taxi plate.
This service enables you to get a license to practice the activity of dismantling and wrecking ships and salvaging them from the sea.
This service enables you to obtain a license for food transportation via the e-portal, issued by the Department of Health Affairs – Health Licensing Section.
This service enables commercial fishing vessels belonging to fishing companies that have fishing quotas to sail to the designated fishing locations specified in their permit and catch the...
.This service enables you to get a permit to collect oysters, seashells or reefs according to Article 19 of the Executive Regulations of the Marine Fishing Law
This service enables the employer to submit a leave request for a father working in the institution for a period of 7 consecutive days.
This service enables beneficiaries to get an entry permit for a fish seller or fish buyer’s means of transport at the Central Wholesale Fish Market (Al-Fulaij, Barka).
This service allows an institution or individual to get a license to practice brokerage in fish landing centers and wholesale and central fish markets, for managing the auctioning of fish products.
This service enables you to perform laboratory analysis of fish and fish products
This service enables you to get a permit to import plant products.
This service enables companies, institutions, and citizens to get a permit to import fertilizers and soil enhancers through the Bayan Customs System.
This service enables you to get a permit to transport exceptional loads that exceed weights and dimensions and require traffic escort from the Royal Oman Police.
This service enables the investor to renew a license for the management and operation of a marine pier.
.This service enables you to renew the license to practice the profession of inspecting and maintaining safety systems and equipment on ships
This service enables you to renew the license to for manufacturing traditional ships made of wood.
This service allowes companies to renew the license of practicing maritime services activity (marine services, loading or unloading ships, or managing and directing maritime transport and maritime...
This service enables you to renew the police escort permit for private and public companies and governmental institutions.
This service enables you to renew the registration of real estate brokerage companies in the list of approved companies, leading to the renewal of the real estate brokerage practice registration card.
This service enables you to renew the practice of land transport by trucks for goods and equipment.
This service enables you to renew the license to practice the activity of transporting school, college and university students.
تمكّن هذه الخدمة من تجديد ترخيص مزاولة مهنة التمريض طالما كان الموظف على رأس العمل ولم يصدر بحقه قرار إلغاء الترخيص، ويُصدر الترخيص مرة واحدة كل ثلاث سنوات.
This service enables seafarers to renew the seafarer's identity document, issued by the maritime authority for qualified seafarers to work or train on ships, granting them entry and exit at...
The service enables you to renew the permit for a fine arts band.
This service allows companies to renew the license of shipbuilding, construction of floating facilities, manufacturing boats, fishing boats and ships.
.This service enables you to renew a license to produce fertilizers or agricultural soil conditioners - Lease contract - Ownership deed for a commercial store Renewing the retail license to sell...
This service enables you to renew licenses to practice marine pollution control activity.
This service enables you to apply for the part I exam for the second and third attempts for doctors who did not successfully pass the exam in the first attempt
This service allows you if you were a doctor to apply for local training programs (specialization and fellowship) announced by the Council to obtain training opportunities in the training programs.
This service enables you to appeal the result of the examination in any of the Council’s examinations for specialization or fellowship programs or the admission examination
This service enables individuals, academic and non-academic institutions to book a visit to the currency museum via the Central Bank of Oman’s website.
This service enables the evaluation of research according to established criteria and preparation of results to be submitted to the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation for funding.
This service enables the student to withdraw from the university. The withdrawal may either be mandatory, as required by the university, or voluntary, based on the student's personal reasons.
You can use this process if you were a trainee wishing to withdraw from the training program in accordance with OMSB training rules and regulations.
.This service enables you to get a final civil protection license for a facility
This service allows the owner of a private school to request approval of a constructed school building Scheme or an addition to the school building.
This service allows you to request accreditation or re-accreditation of a medical or simulation training center in terms of the requirements of building, lecturers, administration, courses, and...
The private school owner submits a request to add classes
This service allows you to add a trainer to a training program in the OMSB
This service enables associations (professional, charitable, or Omani women's associations) formed by individuals with the same profession or educational qualification to request the announcement...
You can use this service to register for the occupational classification examinations at the OMSB to evaluate the competencies of health practitioners working and wishing to work in the...
This service enables you to apply for the OMSB Selection exam is for Omani doctors who hold a bachelor’s degree in medicine and wish to apply for the specialty programs available at the OMSB.
You can use this service to apply for training programs after completing the service of preparing, developing and reviewing training programs. It aims to ensure the eligibility and competence of...
.This service allows you to apply for Part Two Written Examination for OMSB Residents To Get the Specialty Certificate
.Apply for OMSB Part II Clinical Examination to obtain a medical specialty certificate
.This service enables students to participate in a conference. The university covers the costs of their participation according to the specified regulations
This service enables local and international companies, specialized in the fields that Innovation Park focuses on, to invest in the park and establish research and development centers as a usufruct...
Providing an advice to the governmental and private sectors in all the fields of soft documents
This service enables higher education institutions outside the Sultanate to apply for academic recognition.
This service enables participants to submit their innovative ideas to get support and guidance to transform them into realistic projects that contribute to economic and social development.
This service enables private training institutions to get a replacement training certificate in the event of damage or loss of the original one.
This service allows you to apply to the General Foundation Program, the accepted applicants are going to be announced.
This service enables you to get a permit to install an advertising sign on private land, rooftops, or building facades.
This service allows individuals to obtain an education certificate\qualification for those who have educational records with the Ministry of Education.
This service enables graduates to get course description, often requested by graduates to continue their studies or apply for educational qualification
This service enables you to join the National Network for Technology Transfer and Innovation, which is the primary link between academics and private and public institutions.
This service enables you to join the Omani Network for Scientific Research and Education, which aims to support scientific research in the Sultanate of Oman.