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This service enables you to modify the official document granted by the maritime authority to seafarers, allowing them to enter and exit international ports and record their maritime service details.
This service enables you to request a change of the ship’s engine, the marine unit, the port of registration of the ship or the marine unit registered under the Omani flag.
This service enables you to get a certificate that proves your residence in the Sultanate of Oman and simplifies tax and financial procedures.
This service enables companies and institutions to get a license to sell fertilizers and agricultural soil improvers in bulk.
This service enables individuals to obtain a license to engage in freshwater fish hatchery activities.
This service enables you to get a permit for loading and unloading goods or marine equipment from non-fishing ships.
This service enables companies to renew the license for inspection and examination of marine units not covered by international maritime treaties.
This service enables local companies to renew the license for manufacturing medicines that contain narcotics or psychotropic substances.
This service allows the renewal of the residence permit for the wife of an Omani citizen.
This service enables companies to get a license to practice inspection and examination of marine units not included in international maritime treaties.
This service enables you to get a license to practice the international transport of oil and gas.
This service enables you to get licenses to practice the activity of repairing and maintaining ships, yachts, boats, fishing boats, sailboats and racing boats.
This service enables you to get a license to practice the activity of repairing the electricity of ships and boats.
This service enables you to get a license to practice marine pollution control activity.
This service enables you to get a license to practice marine rescue activity
This service allowes companies to get a license to practice marine services activity (marine services, loading or unloading ships, or managing and directing marine transport and marine guidance).
This service enables you to get a certificate issued by the ministry or certified for captains, officers, and Global Maritime Distress and Safety System radio operators, authorizing the holder to...
This service enables you to get a minor building permit issued by the municipality, which is limited to secondary additions to an existing building without a previous major building permit. This...
This service enables you to get a permit from the municipality to cut down a mountain.
This service enables you to get a mountain cutting permit from the Technical Studies Department.
This service enables you to get a municipal license for vehicles.
You can get approval and a license from the Financial Services Authority to operate in the securities sector in the Sultanate of Oman.
This service enables you to get a license from the Financial Services Authority to practice health insurance claims management company in the Sultanate of Oman.
This service enables you to obtain a paving permit from the Technical Licensing Department of Muscat Municipality, according to the geographic area associated with the respective wilayat.
This service allows to get a permit to demolish a building from the Technical Licensing Department of Muscat Municipality, according to its geographical area within the wilaya.
This service enables you to get an operating card for passenger transporting vehicle by land.
This service enables you to get a permanent registration certificate for ships and maritime units for citizens, companies, and residents, allowing them to begin maritime activities and fly the...
This service enables you to get a security permit for Car showrooms
This service enables you to get a permit to enter a foreign maritime unit through border ports.
This service provides support and assistance to youth facing behavioral issues or showing signs of at-risk behaviors.
.This service enables beneficiaries to request health requirements for importing an animal shipment.
This service allows the center owner to obtain approval for a license to hire staff in private centers.
This service enables private family centers to supervise their staff and monitor the recruitment process.
This service enables you to renew the residency permit for a housemaid, issued upon the employer's application and under the responsibility of the foreign worker arriving for employment.
This service enables you to import exempt goods by sea, air, or land.
This service enables every natural or legal person engaged in a commercial business to register for income tax through the e-portal by following the procedures and conditions established by the Tax...
The taxpayer can fill out and submit a form specifying their annual income for the fiscal year and the amount of tax due.
You can increase the company’s available funds by issuing new shares or increasing the value of existing shares in coordination with the Financial Services Authority.
This service enables you to inspect and analyze pesticide residues.
This service enables you to inspect and examine your vehicle in the Accident Department.
This service allows the owner of the kindergarten/school to submit a request to inspect the kindergarten/school building.
This service enables individuals to get an integrated fish farming license in freshwater.
This service enables the consultant to submit follow-up and evaluation reports of the investment projects during the project implementation phase according to the plans and contract signed with them.
This service enables you to request investing in locations that are owned by the governorate.
This service allows the investor to request the issuance of a license for a school education institution for the first time.
This service enables you to get a title deed based on the cancellation of the usufruct contract.
This Service is Provided for Beneficiaries who Want a Proof of Mortgage for a Ship or Marine Unit.
This service allows the vehicle owner to obtain a certificate confirming the first ownership, upon their request.
.This service enables you to get a food safety certificate for export to Gulf countries
This service is provided to practice the activity of transporting cooking gas cylinders
This service enables companies to issue licenses for renting marine transport equipment.
This Service Enables You to Issue a Replacement for a Damaged Certificate of Recognition of Sailors Working on Navigating Ships.
This service enables you to issue a replacement for a damaged Maritime Piloting Certificate, which is issued by the maritime authority to the marine pilot to provide safe navigational information...
.This Service Enables You to Issue a Replacement for Foreign Certificates Recognition Certificates for Seafarers Working on Non-Navigating ships
.This Service Enables Seafarers to Replace a Lost or Damaged Seafarer's Identity Document.
You can request a replacement for a lost or damaged clearance activity license.
This service enables you to obtain a permit for hosting private and public festivals, events, shows, trade exhibitions, and ceremonies of all types, whether governmental or private.
This service enables companies to issue a waste transport activity license.
.This service enables you to get a license for livestock production farms.
.This Service is Provided by the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology to those Wanting to Issue a Certificate of Cancellation of Registration of a Ship or Marine Unit...