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This service enables you to submit a request to change some of the site's network connection settings, such as adding/deleting new network addresses.
This service enables you to get approval for internal change of service locations within the institution.
This service enables beneficiaries to change the project activity.
.This service enables the establishment to change the sponsorship of a pharmacist, assistant pharmacist or medical representative to another institution and issue a new license.
This service enables you to change the initial approval process for the feasibility study on existing projects.
This service enables companies contracted with the ports affiliated with the ministry to request changing the commercial name in the contract.
This service enables you to change the type of use of the current well to another use such as agricultural usage or for domestic purposes, or others.
This service enables you to request a change of the contractor responsible for drilling a well or any service that requires selecting a contractor to study the reasons for the change and refund the...
This service allows you to change the well drilling site within or outside the property boundaries during the drilling of a new or replacement well, and before submitting the work completion request.
This service enables you to request adding a partner or modifying another well owner in the well inventory and registration certificate.
.This service is provided in case the beneficiary wants to change the trade name or trademark of the private health institution
This service enables you to change the profession of water well drilling workers to any other profession.
This service enables you to renew the civil protection license to store dangerous chemicals and petroleum materials and their derivatives, industrial gasses, and dangerous waste.
This service enables the hotel establishment to get a classification certificate, which is the basis to determine quality standards for hotel establishments.
This service enables tourist establishments to get a classification certificate, which is the basis to determine the quality standards of the establishment.
.This service allows you to apply for the removal of obstructions such as clay and other materials that hinder the water flow in Falaj canals
You can request the closure of a civil law firm branch and the withdrawal of its practice permit.
You can request the closure of a law firm or one of its branches, along with the withdrawal of the firm’s practice license.
This service enables owners of museums or private heritage houses to submit a request to permanently close the museum or private heritage house to the public and visitors.
This service enables the beneficiary to request the closure of the pharmacy institution for a temporarily, provided that the closure period does not exceed 6 consecutive months or 9 separate months...
This service enables citizens and charitable organizations to register requests to provide aid to orphans and the Child Care Center.
Enhancing societal interaction through information and communication technologies, while involving the public in policy development, decision-making, and public service design, ultimately...
This service enables beneficiaries to do tests to practice the veterinary and the veterinary assistant medical professions.
This service enables you to construct falaj water collection basins.
This service enables you to establish or build mosques, Qur’an schools, or public gathering halls in agricultural lands irrigated with wells and falaj.
This service enables you to apply for an early retirement pension that is not subject to deduction rates.
This service enables you to access an open system that facilitates the exchange of financial data and business information, commonly used in financial and accounting reports.
This service enables private and public institutions to verify applicants' identities when they log in using their ID card or phone number, without requiring the applicant to be physically present...
This service enables government entities to apply for integration with the Ministry of Health systems, facilitating information exchange and system integration to enhance the efficiency and quality...
This service enables you to submit a request for the emancipation of a minor, which may be granted by the judge if the minor reached the age of fifteen and is proven to be capable of managing their...
This Service allows to obtain high school diploma after completing school education
This service enables you to get an Omani passport for the first time.
This service allows libraries, publishing houses, and specialized educational institutions to get approval for organizing local book fairs.
This service allows beneficiaries to apply for obtaining a pesticide export permit .
This service enables companies wishing to import agricultural pesticides or veterinary or public health insecticide to fill out a request form along with the required documents via Bayan customs...
This service allows the business sector to obtain a pet care services license.
This service enables foreign tourists holding a tourist visa issued by the State of Qatar to enter the Sultanate of Oman without fees, provided that they do not enter another country with this...
This service enables beneficiaries to get a Quality Control Certificate for onshore and floating fish processing plants.
This service enables you to file a statement of appeal to the court Registry by the Public Prosecution, the convicted person, or his legal representative in final judgments issued with a penalty in...
This service enables you to reduce the capacity/line speed according to the needs of the government agency.
Those wishing to participate in a conference or a seminar prepared by the Authority can apply through this service.
This service enables Omani widows and orphans to register in the 'Widows and Orphans Benefit' program, which provides monthly financial support to orphans and widows to help them in the challenges...
This service enables technical support for server devices in the event of a Samba4 system not working properly or any other technical problem in the field of network settings for servers...
A service that allows the employer the ability to renew the resident's visa in the Sultanate of Oman.
Renew your driving learning permit after it has expired for an additional period.
This service allows the private sector to renew the license for importing and distributing audio tapes and video films through procedures associated with several government entities to get the...
This service allows the private sector to renew a license for selling videotapes and DVDs in shopping centers, through procedures associated with several government entities to get the ministry's...
This service enables you to renew the accreditation for IT service providers, which requires passing the periodic technical audit.
This service enables you to renew the license to establish artificial reefs (shudood).
This service allows the private sector to renew the license for importing, selling, or distributing printed materials for educational institutions through procedures associated with several...
This service enables you to renew the license to establish a private apiary for honeybee farming.
This service enables you to renew the license for a pharmaceutical institution (general pharmacy, internal pharmacy, drug warehouse, scientific office, pharmaceutical consultancy office, drug...
This service enables you to renew the registration certificate for well drilling contractors within the automated, manual or both activities.
This service enables beneficiaries to renew Fertilizer Production from Organic Materials License.
This service enables you to get a license for the preparation, trading, and export of crayfish.
This service allows the private sector to get a license for selling video tapes and visual CDs in shopping centers, through procedures associated with several government entities to get the...
.This service allows companies wishing to register with the Ministry to obtain a license to sell and trade pesticides in bulk
This service allows the private sector to get the license to selling audio tapes and CDs, through procedures associated with several government entities to get the ministry's approval.
This service enables scholarship students to postpone, resume, extend, transfer studies, and change their specialization.
.This service allows beneficiaries to obtain a license to manufacture or compose pesticides.