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This service enables you to get the license from the Financial Services Authority to practice the business of a health insurance claims revenue cycle management company in the Sultanate of Oman.
This service enables you to open a rehabilitation center.
This service enables citizens of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries (GCC) to own real estate in the Sultanate of Oman.
You can get a quarterly performance report of the insurance sector, which summarizes all premiums, compensations, requirements, and the operating percentage for each insurance company on a...
This service enables government and private healthcare institutions to conduct acceptance testing and quality control of X-ray devices and inspect radiation protection standards on site.
This service enables you to review and evaluate requests for medical devices.
This service enables you to remove the activity of a company operating in the of securities sector in coordination with the Financial Services Authority.
This service enables you to get an approval to renew the license to operate an accounting and auditing office in Oman from the Financial Services Authority.