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This service enables merchants or their representative to submit an application to deconsolidate their merchandise into multiple shipments.
This service enables you to submit a request to delete additional amounts and fines from the employer, the insured or the relevant departments, explaining the reason for requesting the deletion.
This service allows the owner, their representative, or relevant authorities to request the destruction of goods if they are found damaged prior to release.
This service enables you to request a detailed survey of a land plot, which includes: gathering coordinates surrounding the land plot, reviewing the surrounding area, examining adjacent features...
This service enables members to access Mala’a system with all its benefits and credit and financial data that allow access to required information at any moment.
This service enables you to get a permit for instlling directional signage.
This service enables the employer to view all the resignation requests submitted by their employees, study them and print the contract termination form for approved requests..
This service allows submitting the required documents to access services, such as the lease contract and municipal license or real estate ownership and industrial localization contract.