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This service enables companies to renew the license to practice water taxi activity Ship Registration Certificate Renewing the License to Practice Water Taxi Activity, First and Excellent Category...
This service enables companies to renew licenses for renting diving equipment and providing diving training services.
This service enables you to renew the license for dismantling and demolishing ships, and salvaging them from the sea. Ship registration certificate Renewing Fees This fee is paid to renew licenses...
This service enables companies to renew licences for marine transport equipment rental activity.
This service enables you to renew licenses to practice maritime and coastal water transport activities between countries for goods.
This service enables you to renew licenses to practice marine and coastal water transport between countries for passengers.
This service enables you to renew the license of private health establishments.
This service enables smart application companies to renew their licenses for activities involving taxi services, goods transportation, and passenger transportation.