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This service provides a certificate for the taxpayer that states the amounts paid on behalf of a foreign individual during a specific financial year, allowing these amounts to be deducted from the...
This service allows the employer to issue a visa to a foreigner coming to work in the Sultanate of Oman, based on their request and under their responsibility. This visa is granted under a license...
This service enables maritime security consulting firms to get an accreditation certificate to carry out activities of preparing plans and security assessment of port or port facilities in the...
This service enables you to get a license to practice amphibious aviation activity.
You can get an electronic customs clearance guide through this service.
This service enables mail companies to request an express mail cargo declaration.
This service enables the competent authority to issue an express visa upon request by a local employer for skilled professionals and businesspersons. The visa is provided through Omani...
.This service enables you to renew the insurance agent's license after its expiry through this service