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This service enables the ministry to add sub-sites that are not linked to the organizational structure within the e-health portal, typically in the areas of directorates, centers, hospitals, and...
This service enables you to add another partner to the well registration and inventory certificate upon request.
This service enables you to install a pump on an operational well.
This service allows the private sector to submit a letter to the Director of the Media Licensing Department, authorizing a specific individual by name and civil ID number, signed by the...
This service enables companies licensed to import, sell, and distribute publications to add newspapers or magazines to the list of imported newspapers and magazines.
This service enables private healthcare institutions to add other specialties to the institution.
This service enables tourism partners and event organizers to list their information on the marketing website as per each page’s listing.
This service allows the addition of an announcement or notice on the e-health portal and the homepage. Through this service, job advertisements and working hours for primary healthcare institutions...