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This service enables you to change the initial approval process for the feasibility study on existing projects.
This service enables companies contracted with the ports affiliated with the ministry to request changing the commercial name in the contract.
This service enables you to change the type of use of the current well to another use such as agricultural usage or for domestic purposes, or others.
This service enables you to request a change of the contractor responsible for drilling a well or any service that requires selecting a contractor to study the reasons for the change and refund the...
This service allows you to change the well drilling site within or outside the property boundaries during the drilling of a new or replacement well, and before submitting the work completion request.
This service enables you to request adding a partner or modifying another well owner in the well inventory and registration certificate.
.This service is provided in case the beneficiary wants to change the trade name or trademark of the private health institution
This service enables you to change the profession of water well drilling workers to any other profession.