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This service enables you to submit a request to change some of the site's network connection settings, such as adding/deleting new network addresses.
This service enables you to get approval for internal change of service locations within the institution.
This service enables beneficiaries to change the project activity.
.This service enables the establishment to change the sponsorship of a pharmacist, assistant pharmacist or medical representative to another institution and issue a new license.
This service enables you to change the initial approval process for the feasibility study on existing projects.
This service enables companies contracted with the ports affiliated with the ministry to request changing the commercial name in the contract.
This service enables you to change the type of use of the current well to another use such as agricultural usage or for domestic purposes, or others.
This service enables you to request a change of the contractor responsible for drilling a well or any service that requires selecting a contractor to study the reasons for the change and refund the...