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.This service enables beneficiaries to get a license for a fish seller or fish buyer in the Central Wholesale Fish Market in Al-Fulaij (in Al-Fulaij, Wilayat of Barka)
This service enables you to get a permit to import telecommunications equipment.
This service enables you to get a permit to provide internet of things services.
This service enables you to get a permit to provide voice or video telecommunications services via the internet protocol.
This service enables you to get a certificate of inventory and registration of a well if the certificate has not been issued but the well has been registered and inventoried.
The service enables you to receive rehabilitation services after evaluation including physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, behavioral psychological rehabilitation, special...
This service enables you to get a new license for a museum or a private heritage house in case of damage or loss to the original one.
This service enables you to get a replacement plate if the well inventory plate is lost or damaged.