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This service enables the detection of the Hepatitis B virus in the blood and assists in diagnosing Hepatitis B infection, determining whether the infection is recent or chronic.
.A service that allows content creators to apply for hosting their content on e-platforms
This service enables you to request preparing technical studies and engineering designs for implementing modern irrigation systems and field management in farms irrigated with well water, as well...
.This service enables you to import unregistered medicine through a pharmaceutical warehouse for both the private and public sectors.
This service enables you to import unregistered medical devices.
This service enables you to report accidents that occur in private health institutions.
This service enables you to get a license to increase the depth of a well, regardless of its type, during drilling a new well, a replacement well, or deepening an existing well before completing...
.This service allows you to increase the depth of a well using either manual or mechanical drilling in cases where manual deepening proves ineffective. Well deepening is classified into three...