News story

Taqa: Ministry of Energy & Minerals' E-Services Platform

your profile: Ministry of Energy and Minerals

The logo of Taqa platform
The logo of Taqa platform

The Ministry of Energy and Minerals launched its electronic services platform "Taqa", which reviews all promising services and investment opportunities in the oil, gas and minerals sector. The platform plays a key role in managing investments operations and facilitating procedures.

The ministry's vision is based on organizing and developing the energy and minerals sector for optimal resources utilization, within a framework of occupational health and safety and environmental protection. The Taqa platform enhances development by facilitating access to investment opportunities through ongoing auctions and bids with up-to-date status information. Investment opportunities are categorized by  public sites, concession areas, and raw materials, with publishing and closing dates provided.

The Taqa platform grants investors access to all services offered by the Ministry of Energy and Minerals. These services include applications for exploration and mining licenses, as well as site closures and renewals. Investors can directly apply for these services after logging in with a phone number or ID card for digital authentication.

The Taqa platform enables companies, both local and international, to register and log in with simple steps: entering commercial register data, setting a one-time password, followed by company data, and personal data.

The Ministry of Energy and Minerals is committed to digitizing its services, supporting the government's digital transformation aligned with Oman Vision 2040, which seeks accuracy, credibility and transparency.

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