Ad Dhahirah Governorate
Ad Dhahirah Governorate
Ad Dhahirah Governorate
The official page of Al Dhahirah Governorate on GOV.OM includes an overview of the governorate, its administrative structure, key services, documents, news and contact information.
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Guidelines and brochures
A comprehensive guide detailing municipal services and the s...
تفاصيل الخدمات التي تقدمها البلديات وخطوات إتمامها., pdf, 0 KBFeb 23, 2025Guidelines and brochures
About The Governorate
About the Governorate
Al Dhahirah Governorate is concerned with serving its citizens and residents within its administrative borders and works to safeguard their interests and ensure their service requests are delivered to government institutions. The Office of the Governor also manages the affairs of the governorate and fosters its development in the economic and social fields in coordination with various government entities.
Social Media Platforms
"The Governorate strives to enhance services for beneficiaries by completing digital transformation projects and the Procedures Governance Project at the unit level to ensure improving service quality and simplifying them in line with government trends towards governance."
- H.E. Najib Al Rawas, Governor of Al Dhahirah
Contact Information
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Our Management
Our Management
Governor of Al Dhahirah
Wali of Ibri
Wali of Yanqul
Wali of Dhank